Internal Medicine
Referral Based
Internal medicine deals with the diagnosis and treatment of internal organ diseases. Doctors who specialize in internal medicine are known as internists. Internists are often the first point of contact for patients with health concerns and they play an important role in preventative care.
*No Wait Times
*Urgent Referrals Accepted

We Offer Several Specialty Services To Give You A Customized Care Plan

Medical Cannabis
Referral Based
When taken as medication, medical cannabis may help to relieve symptoms of certain medical conditions, such as chronic pain, anxiety, and epilepsy. Some research suggests that medical cannabis may also be effective in treating other conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease and cancer.
Flexible Consultations Virtually & In Person
PicoSure Pro
Get better looking skin faster with PicoSure Pro! Only available in Edmonton at Cure MD, PicoSure Pro is a medical laser device used for various aesthetic and dermatological procedures, such as tattoo removal, acne scar treatment, pigmentation, and skin rejuvenation.
Book your complimentary vistit!

Shortest Wait Times In Alberta
Now in St. Albert and Leduc
No-Scalpel Vasectomy
This in-clinic procedure takes less than 30 minutes, and you'll be able to return home shortly after. There are many reasons to get your vasectomy with Cure MD:
Minimal pain, minimal downtime and your quick recovery.
Covered by public health insurance
Local anesthetic included
The latest, no scalpel technique